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Supplying renewable electricity is not the only goal of our solar power generation process

Akuo has been developing solar power production by installing dedicated power plants in all regions around the world. Beyond generating power, Akuo optimizes its solutions by providing tailormade responses to the social, environmental, and climatic needs and challenges of each region.


solar power plants in operation worldwide



of energy sales



of solar capacity in operation and production



average lifespan of a solar panel

Our requirement: respect for land

For each of our projects, we create positive synergies and generate virtuous benefits, complementary to generating power, to contribute to balanced and sustainable regional development.

Agrivoltaics is the backbone of Akuo’s power generation solutions, representing 30% of energy sales. Well beyond the question of energy, with agrivoltaics we meet local climate, food, and sustainable development challenges.
Steve Arcelin
CEO & Partner Akuo Western Europe & Overseas

Storing solar energy enables us to optimize the energy production of our power plants.

Combining power generation with a storage system reduces intermittency and grid connection costs. And beyond storage, the hybridization of our power plants can also combine different technologies to achieve optimal complementarity, with wind and solar for example. With our international expertise, we address this diversity of solutions in order to respond to all the issues, which vary greatly across the geographical areas.

Roof-top power with the Sunstyle solar tile

Solar tiles are ideal for both renovation projects and new constructions, offering several proven advantages:

  • Style: thanks to a wide range of colors, solar tiles replace traditional roofing tiles. The production of energy no longer depends on a third-party solar PV installation, but becomes part of the building.
  • Waterproofing: solar tiles fully withstand bad weather and changing climate conditions.

Our solar projects

Gaussan Abbey

The Gaussan Abbey is a novel and unifying project that aims to bring a heritage landmark back to life. A symbol of our history and our traditional know-how, the abbey has become a setting to experiment new ways of life, and future methods for responsible and sustainable consumption.

Driven by Akuo, the collective project is an example of a healthy ecosystem: from the selection and preservation of seeds to the on-site sale and consumption of finished products. Ancient seed varieties are selected according to nutritional properties and climate resilience.


Our commitments

Akuo is committed to developing, building, operating, and maintaining power plants that are as eco-friendly as possible.

For each project, we consult with local communities and support the project’s development with concrete actions that benefit the economy and employment;

We pledge to respect and maintain the biodiversity at all of our project sites. An impact assessment is carried out for each power plant, and offsetting measures are taken whenever necessary;

When a power plant ceases to operate, Akuo either cleans up the site or proposes an alternative in agreement with the landowner. In some cases, we work with the local authority and the owner to study the possibility of repowering*.

Decommissioned or replaced solar panels are recycled.

* replacement of equipment or construction of a new plant


SOREN is the organization responsible for collecting and recycling solutions based in Europe with a minimum recovery rate of 95%:

  • Glass, the aluminum framework, metal and junction boxes are recycled (86% of the panel’s weight)
  • 9% of its weight is reused as derived fuel

3,700 metric tons of solar panels were recycled by Soren in 2022 across France.


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