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Renewable power storage is based on a smart battery system, a key technology in the transition to a sustainable energy system.

At the heart of the acceleration phase of the energy transition, renewable energy storage solutions offer a range of services that help maintain a steady flow of electricity supplies. 

It is essential to keep electricity supply and demand equal at all times. Energy production remains dependent on fluctuations in intermittent natural resources such as sun and wind. The storage of renewable energies corrects this discrepancy and ensures greater stability for the power grid.


akuo madi



across 28 sites





either operational or under construction




metric tons of CO2 avoided every year in Indonesia


year of the first storage installation by Akuo

Akuo: a pioneer in the systematic use of storage solutions

Innovate to help off-grid territories move away from fossil fuels.

Assist grid operators with the modernization of their infrastructures and enable them to put a greater emphasis on renewable energy. 

Thanks to its international presence, Akuo understands just how crucial electricity supply issues are in some regions of the world. Our teams of experts have been developing and deploying, since 2009, comprehensive energy storage battery solutions: GEM® storage and its software (EMS and SCADA).  

Recommend the renewable power storage solution that best suits the region’s requirements.

Whether the need pertains to humanitarian assistance, a one-off festive event, a temporary industrial operation, the permanent supplying of a community, or a seawater desalination plant, our energy storage containers suit every scenario, roaming or permanent.  

Mobile and turnkey (Plug & Play), they offer a range of options: 

  • Intermittent energy smoothing: our batteries are combined with solar and/or wind farms to facilitate their integration into the grid.
  • Frequency and voltage management: our batteries are programed to automatically support the network.
  • Energy shifting (arbitrage): our batteries charge when there is a production surplus or production is cheap, and discharge when production is absent and expensive. 
  • Deferral in network investment (virtual line): Installing these batteries avoids the construction of a new power transmission line.
  • Creation of a grid: our batteries replace generators to form a grid and allow greater renewable energy penetration.
Pionnier de l'utilisation sytématique du stockage

EMS and SCADA, optimized software based on artificial intelligence

A true pilot of the plant, the Energy Management System (EMS) optimizes the management of the plant thanks to its ‘machine learning’ algorithms. It is based on weather and market price forecasts as well as on the digital twins of equipment updated in real time.  

Combined with Akuo’s SCADA control system, Akuo’s renewable energy storage plant is efficient, reliable and suits all possible client needs: energy smoothing, voltage and frequency regulation, energy shifting, grid forming, grid investment deferral (virtual line).  

stockage tonga
Léo Mauger recadrée
Renewable power storage offer a wide range of services essential to the energy transition. With a single system, you compensate for the variability of intermittent renewable energies, you have an ultra-fast power reserve and you move solar production from midday to evening peak.
Léo Mauger
Head of Storage

Energy Storage: our commitments

Our approach to energy storage is based on three pillars: 

  • Quality: We have been developing our solutions since 2009 and guarantee an efficient power network.  

  • Safety: The safety of the environment, employees and the plant itself is our priority. 

  • Social awareness: We operate in regions that are often off-grid. 

Energy Storage: a solution for a real future

Storing energy is a solution that complements the production of renewable energies that, by their very nature, are intermittent. Storing this energy allows electricity distribution to be smoothed and ensures an efficient power network whatever the territory. 

2020 saw the ramping up of this solution for Akuo with the development of power plants in Martinique, New Caledonia, Tonga and Benin. Benefitting from these experiences, notably in island nations, we have adapted accordingly to understand requirements and have developed all the solutions needed for an agile, flexible and turnkey product.  

une solution qui a de l’avenir

Did you know…?

Currently, the majority of batteries are lithium-ion batteries. ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) and IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) have confirmed that lithium is not exposed to a major supply risk from a geological perspective. However, research is ongoing to explore every avenue that would enable us to abandon the use of limited resources. 

Akuo nouvelle-zélande équipe

Energy storage systems and batteries: our commitments

  • Raw materials, carbon footprint and recycling 

Today, stationary batteries have an operating life that can exceed 20 years. The operational experience and feedback we have accumulated over almost a decade allows our teams to envisage the market’s longest uses. 

We do not have any pre-determined choices regarding storage technology and choose the most suitable one for each project. We target the least resource-intensive technologies and are committed to better battery traceability and the optimized use of raw materials. 

We use batteries to increase the penetration of renewable energies and reduce the use of fossil energy to limit the environmental footprint. The rapidly expanding battery recycling chain is continually innovating, and we work with players located all around the world. 

  • The fire risk 

Safety and security is the Group’s number one priority. The fire risk is today fully mastered by our teams thanks to the strict requirements we insist our suppliers and installers comply with, such as the systematic application of the highest norms and standards. Furthermore, Akuo uses continuous supervision and predictive maintenance based on Artificial Intelligence to ensure the safety and security of all its facilities.  

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