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Context of the project

Located in the Aube department, the Fontaine-Macon II wind farm was established in 2016, i.e. 5 years after Fontaine-Macon I. This extension comprises four 2 MW Vestas V100/2000 wind turbines, giving a total output of 8 MW, thus supplementing the existing 12 MW generated by Fontaine-Mâcon I.

Fontaine Macon II

Like the existing wind farm, this power plant is participating in the region’s energy diversification, but the project has taken cooperation with local players to the next level. Indeed, in collaboration with local farmers, on this wind farm site Akuo is participating in the creation of new fallow land around the plant. Totaling over 6 hectares, this fallow land is benefiting bird species by creating new resting and feeding areas. At the same time, actions are being undertaken to protect the Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus) and provide sustainable breeding areas for the Black Kite (Milvus migrans).

Fontaine Macon II

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