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The context

Akuo Renovables España was launched in 2018 to reinforce the regional presence of the Group, bringing to the Iberian Peninsula our vision and experience with renewable energy as part of the way to sustainability.

After a first start supported by local development companies, we've established our own team to embrace the challenges and opportunities that renewable energy brings to the country. We foster projects that maximize the benefits for the activities of the areas where they are located, co-building them with the nearest stakeholders and working on the implementation of our long date agrivoltaic expertise in the peninsula.

panneau solaire espagne

A Unique approach to Spanish challenges

We are building on the Akuo long’s experience on working with farmers. We do not compete for agricultural land but instead we aim at creating synergies with two main objectives:

  • improve their existing business model
  • produce local and affordable electricity for the benefit of the entire population

We have a new way of conceiving renewable projects: combining agriculture, people, local communities, and renewable energy. We believe that it is only together we can build a more sustainable world.

panneau solaire ciel espagne
Eugenia cerveron estan
The Spanish Akuo team combines the young ideas with the experience, the parity of gender, the technical with the agricultural and commercial expertises, and above all the conviction that the energetic transition is a unique opportunity to empower our country.

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