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The project

Entrepreneurs du Monde was set up in 1998 to support some of the poorest micro-entrepreneurs. To undertake its mission, Entrepreneurs du Monde creates and incubates local organizations until they are autonomous in four areas: social microfinance, access to energy, the creation and development of Very Small Businesses (VSB)/Professional integration and agro-entrepreneurship.

A photovoltaic unit to process local cereals

In Woudourou, Senegal, this association is supporting 1,600 small producers by creating and fitting out a photovoltaic unit for processing local cereals (millet mill, rice huller, etc.) enabling their harvests to be enhanced. These female producers also have access to agroecology training and are assisted with the intensification and marketing of their production.

OM  Fawrou Remobe : Sécurité alimentaire au Sénégal

Strengthening food resilience in Woudourou

The project OM Fawrou Remobe is thus helping to increase their resilience in the face of climate change and food insecurity. The aim is to strengthen Matam’s small producers’ resilience capabilities through training and support with intensive production techniques that respect the environment and access to a solar unit for processing local cereals. 

This project tackles similar issues to the Sénècoura Akuo Foundation project, so the aim is to create, between these two initiatives, a skills and learning bridge so that each one can enrich the other. 

OM  Fawrou Remobe : Sécurité alimentaire au Sénégal


efficient preservation infrastructures built with earth and based on photovoltaic technology  



of families were suffering from deficient nutrition