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One of the largest solar power plants in the Île-de-France

Les Gabots is a solar PV plant located in Annet-sur-Marne, to the east of Paris. With a total output of 17 MWp, it is one of the largest solar power plants in the Ile-de-France region.

The plant is the result of a partnership between Akuo and ECT, a company specialized in the upcycling of excavated soil from construction sites and civil engineering work. Indeed, the solar panels are installed on backfill of inert waste resulting from a Grand Paris construction site, enabling their gradient to be optimized and this unused land to thus be given a new lease of life.

Les gabots

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Comprising more than 44,000 photovoltaic modules, the plant covers a surface area of more than 18.5 hectares. The plant’s renewable energy production more than covers local electricity requirements, making Annet-sur-Marne a positive energy town.

Lastly, the plant benefited from financing from regional bodies such as SEM SIPENR, SEM SDESM Energies and IDF Energies, as well as from local authorities (the municipality of Annet-sur-Marne and the Communauté de Communes Plaines et Monts de France community of surrounding villages) and Crédit Coopératif. The project also received funding from citizens via the AkuoCoop platform, the Akuo Group’s crowdfunding tool.

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