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Project context

MCA was the first ‘demo project’ demonstrating Akuo’s capacity to deliver an eminence project in a complex geographical set-up in remote locations of Kalimantan (Borneo). This Indonesia’s largest hybrid project at the time of construction (2018), was materialized with the support from MCC (Millenium Challenges Corporation).

This project’s main objective is to eliminate the poverty and increase the quality of life thanks to off-grid electricity. Prior to the implementation of this project, villagers had access only 4-hour/day to electricity using communal diesel genset, and thanks this project currently community member benefit for 24/7 electricity access with a tariff decreased by 2,5 time.

panneau solaire

Following its four years of operation, Akuo has demonstrated that providing round-the-clock electricity, among which 95% of its resources is renewable, in difficult locations is possible.

By choosing a model of community owned minigrid, Akuo ensures a wide variety of social and economic benefits to local communities – including increased autonomy, empowerment and resilience by providing a long-term income and local control over finances, often in areas where there are few options for generating wealth.

long beliu

Our commitments

  • Partnering with local communities

Akuo pay a special care during operation phase and partnered with village-owned enterprise (BUMDES) to ensure the sustainability of the project and serve more than 1,700 community members in the villages. 


  • Contribute to local economic growth

Cette source d’électricité disponible 24/7 améliore la situation socio-économique des villageois en leur permettant de mener leurs propres activités économiques sans dépendre d’un moyen de production extérieur et coûteux.

akuo equipe

Akuo MCAI Project in Indonesia

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