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Murellu: A 1.7 MWp solar PV plant transforming a polluted site into a source of energy

The Murellu plant is located on land previously occupied by the Saint Florent incinerator until the early 2000s, as well as a clinker and scrap-vehicle dump.

The site, which belongs to the municipality of Pieve in northern Corsica, was restored between 2015 and 2016 then left uncultivated.  With an installed photovoltaic output of 1.7 MWp and a Li-Ion battery storage capacity of 5.2 MWh, the plant is thus enhancing a site that has been unused for several years. 

The storage component enables electricity production to be redistributed, notably at peak consumption times such as in the evening when demand is greatest.

Centrale en cours de construction

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