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Akuo opened its office in Lisbon in 2018. At the time, the renewable market development was blocked because demands to access the grid were exceeding the existing capacity and there was no regulation to prioritize. At Akuo, we saw this market failure as an opportunity.

The expected grid access right regulation emerged in 2019 and the first solar auction was launched in June 2019 with 1.4 GW of capacity. Based on a very long-term strategy and one year of preparatory work, we were able to reach the necessary level of competitiveness. With only 1 GW of utility-scale solar installed at the time, Akuo has claimed a leadership position among national solar producers.

Since day one, Akuo kept the same strategy: to develop and operate ourselves the assets on the long-term.

Akuo Renovéveis Portugal is member of APREN since 2018 – the national renewable energy agency.

Akuo Portugal

Akuo at the forefront of innovative solutions

Portugal is demonstrating important leadership in the transition to clean energy, especially in integrating electricity from renewables. The PNEC 2030 (“Plano Nacional de Energia e Clima”) aims at reaching 9 GW of solar energy which should be increased based on Repower EU and EN-H2 (“Estratégia Nacional para o Hidrogénio”), and Akuo is definitely willing to play an important role to contribute to these ambitious objectives.

Akuo à la pointe des solutions innovantes

Our team

Akuo has built a local team covering licensing, development, structuration, financing, construction and operation & maintenance skills. The team is currently focused on developing projects to optimize the secured grid injection capacity which include wind and storage.

Nos équipes
Joao Macedo  Country head
Portugal's particularly proactive commitment to the development of renewable energies deserves to be commended. Portugal is showing the way to the European Union and reaffirming that renewable energies can guarantee sustainable energy autonomy in the long term.

Projects in Portugal

Akuo is building our solar Himalaya portfolio by year-end – this portfolio is composed of the 4 following projects :



Central Fotovoltaica de Santas



Central Fotovoltaica de Margalha



Central Fotovoltaica de Polvorão

Contact us

Akuo Portugal 

R. Vítor Cordon 37, 1200-129 Lisboa, Portugal

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