Onshore wind turbines: releasing the wind’s potential
Onshore wind is the cornerstone of the energy transition and has been our core business for more than 17 years. At Akuo, we undertake value-creating projects in collaboration with local players. We pride ourselves in proposing projects in line with the region’s requirements.
Wind power plants: hybridization for permanent production
As some regions of the world enjoy substantial amounts of sunshine in the summer and have strong winds in the winter, combining both technologies – with or without an energy storage system – ensures a balanced output.
Hybridization allows this output to be smoothed out and intermittency and grid connection costs to be reduced.
For each region, Akuo suggests the best possible combination depending on the specific case and the various constraints and issues encountered.
How is the repowering of a wind power plant carried out?
The repowering, i.e. renewal, of an aging plant consists in dismantling it and re-equipping it with new technologies that are quieter and more powerful.
For each site, our teams use local biodiversity analyses and historical wind data to recommend the most suitable transition.
As a wind turbine is 90% recyclable, we choose our suppliers notably according to the recyclability of the materials and components supplied.
In cases where repowering a plant is not the optimal scenario, we pledge to return the land to its owner in the same state as it was before the plant became operational.